xmcamail.9811 by subject
Starting: Sun 01 Nov 1998 - 09:12:60 PST
Ending: Mon 30 Nov 1998 - 09:02:60 PST
Messages: 353
- "why does the future enter into remembering"?
- ... equality (and progress)
- [Fwd: Dear NASPA Colleague:] (fwd)
- [Fwd: list problems?]
- [Fwd: Several Tenured Australian Positions]
- A "country-musical" interlude (?)
- A qualitative approach of Theater teaching in public school
- a rowdy interruption
- Actor Psychology
- aera travel tip
- aiee! protocol alert!
- c'est tranquille ici, oui?
- Class, culture and education/Reproduction or Transformation
- class, culture and hair shirts
- class, culture, and education
- Class,Culture and Education
- component of a system
- Concepts
- CREATE job
- cultural-historical vs Activity Theory
- David Pearson on the Reading Wars (from his NCTE talk)
- Descartes' dualism
- Dialectic in Education
- Digital Imperialism: Hegemony as an IT term!?!??
- Dogs in Cuba
- Dr P's website and the impact of vocabulary
- drive-thru education (not)
- drive-thru education (not))
- email address
- embodying silence
- emily dickinson
- empathy-local/social
- English Education Search (fwd)
- Eva! Don't read this!
- eva's blurt
- faculty position at U.Albany, SUNY (fwd)
- follow-up to Diane's reply to my hand up
- For Lenora de la Luna
- FW: rules of the game
- FWD from the distant and the proximate past on sticks and dogs
- gremlins on the web
- Hair shirts, self-flagellation, and equality
- hair shirts? pass the camel, please.
- hands up
- Hands up & bio update
- Hands up ( for real)
- Hands up (we are doing a genre)
- Hands up [always late!]
- hands up)
- heartening
- Help!!
- Hide me
- Hurray for Luis and Bud!!
- Hypercapitalism
- Ilyenkov's dialectic.
- In celebration of life, love, mongrel dogs, and dreams ...
- insomnia & residue
- introduction to debra kawahara
- iowa
- job
- Knowledge and Power
- late roll call
- list
- list problem resolution
- list problems?
- list problems? and book reading
- long Luria doc
- Long Rant: Hegel & Biology
- LSV slideshow
- Luria from the depths of cyber space.
- mail at last!
- MCA Homepage
- Members' Profiles
- Mind as Action
- minor point on Locke
- More hands up
- NCTE Assembly for Research Midwinter Conference February
- new book
- new book/Valsiner
- No message in eletronic mail box
- no no no NORTHEAST
- OH KRIST!!!!!!!!
- Old and new profiles
- Old profiles and new
- phantom MCA website
- Pinochet
- Please tell us!
- posting papers.
- Qualitative approach of Theater teaching
- random chuckles
- Re(2): drive-thru education (not)
- Re(2): Hair shirts, self-flagellation, and equality
- Re(2): Re(2): Hair shirts, self-flagellation, and equality
- Re(2): reference
- Re(2): Where to start?
- RE: "why does the future enter into remembering"?
- RE: drive-thru education (not)
- RE: hands up
- RE: list problems?
- RE: RE: hands up
- RE: Refs. on support for disadvantaged school children
- RE: Remembering the future and the telso of development
- RE: rules of the game
- reference
- Refs. on support for disadvantaged school children
- reply to D's reply to J's hand up, again
- reply to D. -- ignore last
- reverberating stillness
- roll call
- roll call/ Paper on Discourse Strategies in Research Interviews of
- rules of the game
- school to work
- school, work, and education
- self-conscious moment
- Simultaneity Check 1
- Simultaneity Check 2
- snipping the thread: Hair shirts, self-flagellation, and equality
- Some light relief
- sticks and dogs
- Summertime
- support for disadvantaged school children/ mediational means;
- sustaining new practices
- Teaching Position in ESL/EFL Teacher Education in Hong Kong
- test
- Test message
- The 11th hour of the 11th day . . . 80 years ago.
- The cure
- the discourse of minority-mindedness
- the future as a memory of the present
- The residue of insomnia & life
- The residue of insomnia & life/ever-so-long reply
- traffic cop/orchestra conductor
- Translation of Vygotsky
- truncated in california
- using and resisting categorial discourse
- Vygotski & Organiasation Learning
- vygotsky-zpd
- Where to start?
- where's the agency?
- xmca glitch
- xmca rules
- Yikes!
Last message date: Mon 30 Nov 1998 - 09:02:60 PST
Archived on: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 01:02:48 PST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.