It was clumsy of me to target Phil, in my eagerness to channel the making
of an xmca community Web gallery towards a collection of links to member
Websites & home pages. So thanks Gordon, for reminding me I forget that I'm
getting older, too, and more of an oldtimer, having "seen it all before".
What I did mean to say is that I *am* really eager to get this collection
done, and that I'm just as eager to have it done without putting the whole
load on the LCHC staff. It MIGHT be a good idea to have the final result
(link collection) on the communication.ucsd server, it also might not
(although, of course it should be linked). But before that there is on the
one hand some harvesting of URLs to be done, and on the other hand some
page design... and decisions as to maintenance: I can imagine it would be a
good idea to put up something that is current NOW, and then let it
"petrify" into the archaeological sediments of the Net -- because having it
maintained and updated over several years is, in my understanding a MUCH
heavier matter.
I know there's quite a lot of us who like to do some Web tinkering, so why
not distribute the work load a bit. But, as, in my experience, too much of
this techie talk over the list tends to frustrate participants who wish to
have discussions on more central CHAT contents, I suggested we take it
elsewhere: to start with, anyone who's interested can mail me directly.
At 09.07 -0500 98-11-15, Gordon Wells wrote:
>As I get older, time and history interest me more and more. As an oldtimer
>on the x-lists, I have seen many changes in format and also in styles of
>interaction. But one thing remains constant: the stimulating and
>reflective nature of the discussions about topics of central interest to
>me and to others concerned to understand and improve our work as
>educators. Thanks to the many contributors at different stages in their
>careers, this is a collective zpd in which we all learn and teach together.
>Thanks, Eva, for the suggestion to link webpages. I am happy to provide
>the link to mine rather than starting again to rewrite myself - although
>the process is always beneficial as well as painful.
>Gordon Wells
>gwells who-is-at
>Homepage is nested in:
>Visit Networks, the Online Journal for Teacher Research
Dr Eva Ekeblad
Goteborg University
Dept. of Education & Educational Research
Box 300, SE 405 30 Goteborg, SWEDEN
eva.ekeblad who-is-at
Tel: (Int +46 31) 773 22 75 Fax: (Int +46 31) 773 23 91