I guess they might accept a late application if there's someone who fits
their requirements and is interested in their position. The Hong Kong
University website is:
Angel Lin (English Dept, City University of Hong Kong)
Dear Angel,
As you know, Arthur McNeill is leaving HK shortly. We're now advertising
for a replacement, but it seems that people with our requirements are thin
on the ground (PhD, publications and ESL/EFL teacher education experience).
If you know of anyone who fits the bill and who might be interested in
applying, please encourage them to do so. The deadline is this weekend
(forms are available on the HKU website).
Dr Bob Adamson badamson who-is-at hkusua.hku.hk
Associate Professor office: Runme Shaw 216
Department of Curriculum Studies tel: 2859 1952
The University of Hong Kong fax: 2858 5649
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong SAR