Anyway, I'm a primary school teacher, specialized int he teaching of
mathematics and science. For the past 3,5 years I've been doing my
phd at the Universtity of Twente, The Netherlands. In fact, I only
finished writing up my dissertation a couple of weeks ago, and with a
bit of luck, I will defend it in early January. My research focused
on the social (teacher) and material (computer spreadsheet)
distribution of cognition during problem solving.
My research interests: use of computers for learning and
problem solving in science and math; social influences on the
development of self-regulation; mediation and the role of
both psychological tools and artifacts in cognition and problem
solving; quantiative discourse analysis, mostly sequential
analysis; qualitative discourse analysis, particularly genre
analysis; interface affordances and task understanding/performance.
If I remember correctly, this whole thread was initiated because the
the participants lost track of who is out there. I have tried to
check this in the past, but all I came up with was a list of
less than 50 people (while there are reasons to believe that there
are many more):
Judging from the entry dates, these people must have been the very
first xcma-ers! :-)
Wouldn't it be a good idea to set up a site with all current xcma
subsribers? (provided that such a site/page does not actually exist).
One final thing: much like Nate, I've recently spent some time
setting up a personal page with information, links to other sites
and people, quotes, and bibliography related to: sociocultural
psychology, activity theory, and discourse analysis. The url is:
(click on cognition on the menu and please be patient with the
popup ads).
I would welcome any suggestions for additions, especially
regarding (a) links to other sites with sociocultural
psychology/activity theory/discouse analysis resources, and (b)
personal/professional homepages of people in these fields.
Ilias Karasavvidis
Department of Curriculum Technology
Faculty of Educational Science and Technology
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Voice: +31534894473
Fax: +31534892895
Email: Karasavvidis who-is-at
"The ancient Greeks did not know the main thing
about themselves, that they were _ancient_ Greeks"
Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin