Was an early childhood teacher for 12 years before going back to university.
Dissertation work: Agency in learning. How university students create their
own learning. Now: Ass. prof. in education. Working at the educational
development unit at Oslo College, Norway. Tasks at work: Developing
strategies, projects and courses for educational development in a higher
education institution. Interested in teacher/student partnership, lifelong
learning, and reflective practice as basic principles for structuring higher
education. Participating in a research project on learning at work
(engineering): learning in interdisciplinary teams. Starting a project on
assessment. Particularly interested in involving students in the process of
ecuational development and in the notion of peer mediation. Teaching: Mostly
courses for academic staff. But mostly I am interested in doing
developmental projects with academic staff around our college. Theoretical
orientation: CHAT, "situated learning", ecological psychology (Gibson),
situation semantics (Barwise and Perry) and probably something more.
Anton Havnes
Pedagogisk utviklingssenter
H=F8gskolen i Oslo,
Tlf. 2245 2887
Fax 2245 2835
Epost: Anton.Havnes who-is-at adm.hioslo.no
Centre for Staff and Learning Development
Oslo College, Wergelandsveien 27, 0167 Oslo
Phone: +47 2245 2887
Fax: +47 2245 2835
Email: Anton.Havnes who-is-at adm.hioslo.no