>Now: who is next?
Hello Eva and xmca-ers,
Since March 1997 I am a gratefull listener on this list: Anna Strumphler
with many professions in the past (teacher in history, caretaker in
childcare institutions, clinical psycholoque (orthopedagogue) and an
unfinished dissertation on the shelf about the Russian (defektological)
approach of children with learning difficulties. About a year ago I
decided to take the manuscript of the shelf, finish the work and put an
additional question to it: how Vygotskyan is this appraoch (as
defektologists claim it to be). Actually this means doing the whole work
over again! But it keeps me of the street, as we say in Holland.
Glad to be connected again !!
Anna Strumphler
PS: What happend to the nice tradition of writing a self-description when
one subscribes to the list? I have not seen one this year.
Anna Strumphler,
Amsteldijk 28,
1074 HT Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 20 6719906
e-mail: W.deVries who-is-at net.HCC.nl