Where to begin, I started in looking at institutional documentary texts
and the 'conceptual practices of power" aka Dorothy Smith, ( the smartest
woman in north america??!!) Paul ricoeur - Human action as social text,
and post-critical studies in ethnography, i.e. Clifford and Marcus,
Viswaswaren, paul Atkinson, Margery wolfe, and Pattie lather's
"voluptuous validity", and sociao-cultural theory - aka wertsch, lave and
wenger, bakhtin. i believe i was going to do an institutional ethnography.
I wanted to look at the development of a feminist literacy educators
network established through the network of a geographically dispersed
journal called "the Wandering books'. late in my dissertation program I
discovered the new theory Genre,(Miller, Bazerman, Huckin, Berkenkotter,
Freeedman) and so enjoyed a quick and intense introduction to activity
theory and the like at the International symposium on Genre at SFU in
Vancouver last january. I presently teach composition and writing theory,
and am involved in research at the Writing Centre in the English Department
at SFU.
All this somehow ties into wondering about the survival of critical and
feminist curriculum practices at the site of post secondary education and
the textual mediation of identity in those spaces.
The dissertation is incubating and is expected to erupt this spring.
Kathryn Alexander,
Doctoral Candidate,
FAculty of Education,
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6
kalexand who-is-at sfu.ca
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