I just [corrections, a lot earlier this evening, but this is my second try,
did some faulty reasoning the first time]
=2E.. received this from Pedro Portes. There may be others out there in
XMCA-land still either "mute" or "deaf" or both. And there's been problems
reaching the gremlin-tamers, too. And Thanksgiving coming up...
Hi Eva;
I have been muted by technology for weeks now, a funny feeling being able
to receive posts while mine can't go out to xmca directly, so please
forward this until the gods return my voice. I have been wanting to
participate on the references thread as you'll see when I forward
belated comments...pedro
>Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 12:50:36 -0500
>To: xmca who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu
>From: "Dr. PedroR. Portes" <prport01 who-is-at athena.louisville.edu>
>Subject: Re: More hands up
>In-Reply-To: <v01540b02b272777dcee5 who-is-at []>
>Guess I'm sort of an old timer now, Sunday morning in sunny looseville is
as good of a time as any to project an identity under construction (one of
the functions of listserves no?)
>Here are some parts of me;
>The LSV infection occurred as I finished my Ph.D. in ed psych in 1982. I
was challenged to reconcile the two a decade later. To bring CHAT into
Edpsych in 1992, XMCAers scaffolded me thru a second disertation experience
basically, it came out later in 96.
>Ed psych like most psych, is culturally challenged (in the chat sense) yet
has a lot of sound, culturally situated baseline info. I wonder how it can
still contribute to teacher educ after what seems like a nation-wide demise
( and not that the alternatives are all that hot either). I was so glad to
see Vera's article in the flagship pub. of that discipline in 96.
>Lately I am fascinated by identity devlopment work, seems like (in
Psych/my community of practice/where my tools were forged..) the line
between self-concept and identity research is arbitrary. I'm hoping that in
examining cultural identity formation, a lot of the mechanics underlying
other types of identity formation (gender, national, ethnic. professional,
age graded etc) can be unraveled. But I'm also doing cross cultural
contrasts using unpopular methods like exploration/committment scores to
index status changes under the Erisonian/Marcia paradigm keeping it CHATy
as possible.
>My main "bag" concerns this fixation on using CHAT and primary prevention
in eradicating group based inequality in a late modern context such as ours
in case policy/practice ever becomes interested in doing so. It started
with my diss. on early age interventions to fix "them" which only lately I
discovered meant us too. I also discovered i was constructed as one of them
all along while I had self-constructed me as one of us with special
insights about them because of my bicultural identity. XMCA discussions
last year and Peter's aera symp. got me thinking about ethical problems in
such interventionistic thinking..
>Just revised my 1st book on Making Kids Smarter, a commercial ploy to
educate parents re. child dev. (see web page under construction) and help
them visualize the zpds etc.
>I was a psychotherapist once but CHAT has introduced enough dissonance to
>The more I disclose, the less comfortable I feel (plus this is such a time
expensive activity).
>So enough fragments for now. I'll close this public self-reflection by
noting that familiar experience we all must have had or are in the process o=
>Once CHAT ceases to be neutral or just another body outhere, and we begin
to convert it or some of its parts into tools for our own purposes &
practices, you are never the same after that. Beware ye lurkers, it can
happen in lurking too, for lurking is activity and changes in cognition and
affections are constantly taking place. Beware of the company you keep,
ideas can travel fast, and time, on this medium.
>Pedro Rene de Portes Cortada,
>A Cuban in North America since 1961
>cAt 12:18 PM 11/13/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>another hand-
>>I am currently workin on my doctorate at UCSD and am interested in
>>development during late adolescence and early adulthood. From this broad
>>area, my focus is on cognitive, social and identity development with a
>>particular interest in bilingual students. I run a high school program
>>where students get credit from the university for participating after
>>school in a diverse range of academic and professional activities. I have
>>so many questions and so little time but continue to enjoy the discussions
>>on this list.
>>Marc Camras
>>University of California, San Diego
Pedro R. Portes,
Professor of Educational %
Counseling Psychology
310 School of Education
University of Louisville
=46ax 502-852-0629
Office 502-852-0630
Web at louisville/~prport01 (under construction)