Re: hands up

Jerry Balzano (gjbalzano who-is-at
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 20:08:44 -0800

OK, I'm here too, on the fringes, but peeking in from time to time, and
always gratified and stimulated when I do.

I'm a professor in the music department and the teacher education program
at UCSD, and I've been a member of LCHC for a ++long++ time. I've been
"one of those obnoxious Gibsonians" even longer, and I love words like
affordances, computers, modeling, agents, programming, and complexity, and
would like to see as much of all of these designed into future curricula as
possible. I am down on (as opposed to "down with") The Disciplines and
their university reification as Departments, and very hostile to The
Balkanization of the Intellect in general. My current favorite
interdisciplinary metaphor-of-the-month is "agent-based-model-building as
story-telling". Although this note might suggest otherwise, I do sometimes
think and express myself in ways other than slogans and sound bites.
-Jerry B

Dr. Gerald J. Balzano
Dept of Music
Teacher Education Program
Laboratory for Comparative Human Cognition
Cognitive Science Program
UC San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093
(619) 822-0092
gjbalzano who-is-at