embodying silence

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu)
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:48:28 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for the notes, Ricardo and Eva.
Coordinated being busy elsewheres.

On my mind, often, are the incompleted discussions about my book
on cultural psychology and Jim's on mediated action. Each reached
some invivible pre-midpoint barrier, and stopped.

Locally we are having a great series of lchc seminars on the analysis
of scientific/explicit versus everyday/implicite concepts as they
appear in a variety of contexts. I do not know how to get it properly

Locally, we are in a vortex of activity engendered by a combination
of the anti-affirmative action, anti-bilingual education, and welfare
reform movements because our university is supposed to solve the
problem. In their attempts to do so, our university-community
collaborative systems have been taken up in many different contexts,
creating both a cornocopia of information and a practical nightmare
for someone like me who is trying to do serious analytic work on the

I much appreciated Jay re-minding us of the temporality strain. There
must be a great MCA article in that set.

Of to act locally, but thinking xmcaglobally.