LCHC Archives

Earlier LCHC Website
The LCHC website prior to the change in 2012.

Relocating the Laboratory: 40 Years of Collaborative Research on Culture
The Sylvia Scribner Award Address, AERA Denver, Colorado May 2nd, 2010
Michael Cole, Ray McDermott, Luis Moll, Denis Newman, Olga Vásquez, Katherine Brown, Rober Lecusay

LCHC: A Program of Research and Training in Cultural Psychology
1984 Carnegie Report.

Archives of The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition

The Velikhov-Hamburg Project 1985-1994
An Experiment in Computer-Mediated Cooperation Between Nations in Conflict.

Archives of the XMCA mailing list

Electronic Discourse Analysis

The Seeds of XLCHC
Vanessa Gack and Noah Finkelstein, 1992.

Contact, Community and Multilogue: Electronic Communication in the Practice of Scholarship
A paper presented at The Fourth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Aarhus University, Denmark, June 7-11, 1998.

LCHC: The Connection from the West
An e-mail discussion, Alfred Lang