Rachel Pfister

Email: rcody@ucsd.edu

Affiliation: PhD Candidate, Communication, UCSD

Rachel Cody Pfister is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego. She is interested in youth culture and new media interests, primarily focusing on interest-based, collaborative online communities of young people. Her current research focuses on the online fiber-crafting communities of ravelry.com to learn who participates in these communities, the effect of participation in these communities on members’ crafting, and how the technical and social designs of these sites relate to members’ crafting development and participation in these sites. Her past research interests have included anime fandoms and online gaming communities. She received her bachelors of arts in psychology and anthropology at the University of Southern California.


Cody, R. (2010). “Kalipea’s Journey from Novice to Veteran in Final Fantasy XI.” In J.K. Parker Teaching tech-savvy kids: Bringing digital media into the classroom, grades 5-12. Thousand Oaks: Corwin. 116-122.
Ito, M., S. Baumer, M. Bittanti, d. boyd, R. Cody, B. Herr-Stephenson, H. Horst, K. Z. Martínez, C.J. Pascoe, D. Perkel, L. Robinson, C. Sims, and L. Tripp. (2010). Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media. The John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Ito, M., H. Horst, M. Bittanti, d. boyd, B. Herr-Stephenson, P.G. Lange, C.J. Pascoe, and L. Robinson (with S. Baumer, R. Cody, D. Mahendran, K. Martinez, D. Perkel, C. Sims, and L. Tripp). (2008). Living and learning with new media: Summary of findings from the Digital Youth Project. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Pfister, R.C. (2014) Hats for House Elves: Connected Learning and Civic Engagement inHogwarts at Ravelry. DML Hub. http://dmlhub.net/publications/hats-house-elves-connected-learning-and-civic-engagement-hogwarts-ravelry

Research Blog Entries

Pfister, R.C. (2014). “The Powerful Combination of Interests and Peer Culture.” Connected Learning Research Network. April 5, 2014.
Pfister, R.C. (2013). “A Home within Home: Physical Challenges and Online Connected Learning Environments.” Connected Learning Research Network. December 13, 2013.http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/a-home-within-home-physical-challenges-and-online-connected-learning-environments
Martin, C. and R.C. Pfister. (2013) “Self-Directed Learning in Online Connected Learning Environments.” Connected Learning Research Network. November 22, 2013.http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/self-directed-learning-in-online-connected-learning-environments
Pfister, R.C. (2013). “Hogwarts at Ravelry and the Connected Learning Core Values.”Connected Learning Research Network. September 3, 2013. http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/hogwarts-at-ravelry-and-the-connected-learning-core-values
Pfister, R.C. (2013). “Becoming a Knitting Pattern Author: A Teenager’s Story.” Connected Learning Research Network. May 26, 2013. http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/becoming-a-knitting-pattern-author-a-teenagers-story
Pfister, R.C. (2013). “An Issue Full of Knots: Ownership and Sharing in Crochet.” Connected Learning Research Network. April 11, 2013. http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/an-issue-full-of-knots-ownership-and-sharing-in-crochet
Pfister, R.C. (2013). “The House Unity Projects of Hogwarts.” Connected Learning Research Network. January 25, 2013. http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/the-house-unity-projects-of-hogwarts
Pfister, R.C. (2012). “Changes are Coming to Hogwarts...” Connected Learning Research Network. November 26, 2012. http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/changes-are-coming-to-hogwarts
Pfister, R.C. (2012). “Ravelympics: The Games that Must Not Be Named.” Connected Learning Research Network. September 29, 2012. http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/ravelympics-the-games-that-must-not-be-named
Pfister, R.C. (2012). “The 2012 Ravellenic Games: Community, Challenges, and Competition.” Connected Learning Research Network. August 23, 2012.http://clrn.dmlhub.net/content/the-2012-ravellenic-games-community-challenges-and-competition
Pfister, R.C. (2012). “Knitting Up Hogwarts: A Harry Potter Fiber Craft Community.”Connected Learning Research Network. July 12, 2012.