XMCA Mail 2001_10
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Starting: Mon Oct 01 2001 - 01:04:00 PDT
Ending: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 21:57:00 PST
- [ch-sig] Business meeting for Cultrual Historical SIG
- a bit more on maths
- access denied
- Agreement and the art of mediation
- All 'chrisis' is a hard nut to crack
- An introduction to Co-genetic Logic
- another conference/festivities
- anxiety about the 'ontologic math anxiety'
- aT and history
- between biology and sociology
- Brain-related and culture-related hemisheres of the psychology
- Business meeting for Cultrual Historical SIG
- but he threw the ring in the fire
- by the way... he wrote...
- Call for Reviewers
- canadian thanksgiving
- Chair Search
- chat and terrorism
- Checking sistem
- contact
- crisis comment
- Crisis reading
- ease up, Eric
- easing up
- eclecticism
- eclectism and oxymorons
- eclectism: so the claim i'm making
- Education and September 11 -- A TCRecord Call for Papers
- Either hard, or soft social sciences?
- Eric offers a beginning to the discussion
- even more everything?
- expanding boundary objects
- FOXP2 - gene of speech
- from easing up to eclectisism
- from/through
- Fwd: "She looked at me like I had a third head"
- Fwd: Chair Search
- Fwd: Wisdom in Arabia
- Gary's monastic places
- global fight against terrorism
- god's side
- His/Her-tory
- history and a general science
- hmmmm, i think
- http://www.discover.tased.edu.au/english/allanluke.htm
- I can agree wtih this!
- Impure maths and nature
- It does matter
- job
- job announcement
- Kevin
- language as a problem
- Laszlo's New Crisis
- lchc web page papers
- lemke-- read the work
- literacies
- long lived texts
- LSV's 'Crisis' Week 2: Intro to intro
- LSV's 'Crisis' Week 2: Section 7
- LSV's 'Crisis' Week 2: Section 8
- LSV's 'Crisis' Week 2: Section 9-10
- luria and freud
- M. Coles ideas about zpd
- Math Commentators
- math ontology for all
- Math: Postscript
- mathematical objects
- metaphors of half bakedness
- methods/methodologies?
- methods/methodology
- more boundary objects
- more everything?
- more maths
- Multirefferenciality?
- nationalism/which crisis?
- Nature as Pure Math
- New Federal Science Standards Worry University Researchers
- Not pure/applied but beautiful/practical
- ontologic math anxiety
- Output from "cron" command
- oxygen, collaboration, production
- Phylogenetic Math Concepts applied to Ontological Math Growth
- play as a dirty word
- Practictioner as 'bricolage'
- President FHC speech in french parliament
- pretty creepy all hallows
- psychological theory
- psychological theory / 'general science'
- Pure maths etc
- pushing metaphors of half bakedness
- pushing too far metaphors of half bakedness
- query
- Question
- re history in chat
- Re(2): anxiety about the 'ontologic math anxiety'
- Re(2): by the way... s/he wrote...
- Re(2): nationalism/which crisis?
- Re(2): nationalism/which crisis?/HISTORY
- Re(2): ontologic math anxiety
- Re(2): pushing metaphors of half bakedness
- Re(2): Re(2): by the way... s/he wrote...
- Re(2): Re(2): tensions of democratic math
- Re(2): tensions of democratic math
- Re(3): pushing metaphors of half bakedness
- re-search
- Ready to discuss Vygotsky's "Crisis in Psychology"
- reality of math objects
- Remember what the doorman said
- repeating Laszlo
- research/policy
- return to eclecticism discusion
- saying more
- scientific brain functions
- Scribner/Cole and the brain
- Semiotic Mediation is an effective teaching practice
- silence
- tensions of democratic math
- tensions of democratic math and the relation to crisis
- thanks Vera
- The dressing-down Vygotsky gaves Luria
- the role of the public intellectual
- Timing
- Toward the Founding of Cognitive Social Science
- uninternal mind and irreal math
- VOTE-VOTE-VOTE: Business meeting for Cultrual Historical SIG
- washington u job
- Where is Denis Newman?
- Where is Denis?, or I can and can't agree with just sitting there.
- which crisis, which discussion?
- who has the authority
- who has the authority --Apology!
- why to avoid impossible conversations
- Xwar
- xwar or other
- yeah, yeah, yeah: VOTE-VOTE-VOTE
- yet even more everything?
Last message date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 21:57:00 PST
Archived on: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 01:02:08 PST
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: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 01:02:08 PST