Re: All 'chrisis' is a hard nut to crack

From: Ricardo Ottoni Vaz Japiassu (
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 16:59:54 PDT

"(...) Sounds more conservative than revolutionary to me."

The main critics Vygotsky does to freudism are , in my oppinion, related to Freud's excessive enphasis on: (1) unconscious, not considering the value of the conscious processes; (2) sexualization of all aspects of behaviour that characterize only "inferior psychical functions" without the constrains related to the arbitrary, counscious and voluntary dimension of behaviour of the "superior psychical functions"; (3) psychopatology analisis focusing only the pacient's private life psychology, not cosidering the social-historical dimension of unsconscious (LSV's Psychology of Art)

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