Re: pushing too far metaphors of half bakedness

From: Phillip White (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 09:13:45 PDT

Bill scrobe:
 Oh my. If one only thinks of all the places to find local yeast, beer
never be the same. Just which district is this brewhouse in?
        oh my, indeed! the things your statement brings to _mind_! thanks for
narrowing your focus to a district.

* * * * * * * *
* *

The English noun "identity" comes, ultimately, from the
Latin adverb "identidem", which means "repeatedly."
The Latin has exactly the same rhythm as the English,
buh-BUM-buh-BUM - a simple iamb, repeated; and
"identidem" is, in fact, nothing more than a
reduplication of the word "idem", "the same":
"idem(et)idem". "Same(and) same". The same,
repeated. It is a word that does exactly what
it means.

                          from "The Elusive Embrace" by Daniel

phillip white
doctoral student
scrambling a dissertation
denver, colorado

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