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RE: [xmca] A little help with a Russian reference (yunosha, yunost', yunosheskii, & podrostok).

Oh, thank you very much, Anton. There is one more place in which that "Lifanova's title" appears. It is in the first footnote to first text in Tom IV of the "Vygotsky's Works": 

"1. В период с J 928 по 1931 г. Л. С. Выготский опубликовал ряд пособий для заочного обучения. Сюда входили «Педология школьного возраста» (1928), «Педология юношеского возраста» (1929), «Педология подростка» (1930—1931)." (СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ - том ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ - МОСКВА  'ПЕДАГОГИКА', 1984 - Page 404...)

«Педология юношеского возраста» (1929)... I would be happy if this was not once more mistake... But I can not prove, any way, of course... I have not archival resources for this, nor scientific competence or language skills, even for try. Мне очень жаль... =(

Thank you, again. Achilles.

> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 17:43:55 -0800
> From: the_yasya@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [xmca] A little help with a Russian reference (yunosha, yunost',	yunosheskii, & podrostok).
> To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
> podrostok - adolescent (according to Russian wikipedia, the age between 12-17)
> yunosha - youth (the age after "podrostok"  up to,  roughly, 21-23)
> Note: the definition of podrostok is a "yunosha in transitory period"  between childhood and youth (yunost') 
> As to the "Pedologiia yunosheskogo vozrasta" (presumably, Vygotsky's work that mentioned only on one occasion, i.e. in Lifanova's bibliography, but nowhere else--which is totally weird in itself), as you might know ;), some sources cautiously come to the conclusion that Lifanova got something wrong and that such publication never existed. 
> For the links to the full text publication in a few languages see first item here:
> http://www.psyanima.ru/journal/2011/4/index.php
> It would be most interesting, indeed, to refute this conclusion :))
> AY
> ________________________________
>  From: Achilles Delari Junior <achilles_delari@hotmail.com>
> To: "xmca@weber.ucsd.edu" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu> 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:10:02 PM
> Subject: [xmca] A little help with a Russian reference.
> Greetings for all
> Please, this reference mentions a "Paedology of the young man." Педология юношеского возраста. Особенности поведения подростка. М.: Изд. БЗО при 2-м МГУ. 106 с. Уроки 6-9. Somebody can tell me about the psychological meaning of "юношеский" (yunosheskiy)? There is some important distinction with "подросток" (podrostok) in terms of "psychological age"? And, finally, somebody could help me to find any available copy from this work?
> Thank you very much.Achilles, from Brazil. 
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