[xmca] latour

From: Luiz Carlos Baptista <lucabaptista who-is-at fcsh.unl.pt>
Date: Fri Mar 07 2008 - 16:48:51 PST

Hi all,

While exploring the brave new world of online games, I rediscovered the
pleasures of distributed cognition and the study of artifacts. My
bibliographical references in these areas are pretty much up-to-date, but I
am still looking for a few rarities. One of them is an old article by Bruno
Latour, called "Technology is society made durable". Does anyone have a copy
(electronic or in print) that could send me? Please reply offlist.

Thank you very much. All the best,

Luiz Carlos Baptista

"The brain is a wonderful thing. Everybody should have one."

Luiz Carlos Baptista

Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Avenida de Berna, 26-C
1069-061 Lisboa


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Received on Fri Mar 7 16:53 PST 2008

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