Re: [xmca] latour

From: Luiz Carlos Baptista <lucabaptista who-is-at>
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 05:26:02 PDT

Thank you very much for the reference and your comments, Bruce. I didn't know
the book. I assume it is inspired in Lefebvre's "critique of everyday life",
right? (I have to order this one too!)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On

Behalf Of Bruce Robinson
Sent: domingo, 9 de Março de 2008 11:27
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: Re: [xmca] latour


I don't know if you've come across Mark Nunes' "Cyberspaces of Everyday
Life" (University of Minnesota Press, 2006) which discusses the ontology
of cyberspace using the concepts of 'the production of space' and 'the
everyday' taken from the French Marxist Henri Lefevbre. There is little
on games as such but I found it useful for something I have just written
on a 'virtual strike' that took place in the virtual world Second Life.
Here's my precis:

> Nunes (2006) maps Lefevbre’s concepts onto the world of ICT-based
> networks in order to answer the question “Where is cyberspace?”
> Resisting the reduction of cyberspace to either an immaterial world of
> ideas, language and communication or to the materiality of its
> underlying technology and the associated human-computer interaction,
> Nunes instead sees cyberspace as an implementation of Lefevbre’s
> triad: “a dynamic relation of material form, conceptual representation
> and dispositional practice that produces networked social space…
> enacted and articulated in the relational interactions of individuals
> involved in CMC and mapped as a nexus of material and semiotic
> processes… an event articulated in various contexts…” Space in this
> sense is “multiple, relational and produced… the interaction that
> occurs between language, bodies, material and experience […] maps the
> spatiality of cyberspace – or rather cyberspaces…always structured as
> an event, and as such, a dialectical emergence of several processes,
> not reducible to any one thing.” (pp. 12,24)
Hope this is some use.

Bruce Robinson

xmca mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 14 05:31 PDT 2008

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