RE: [xmca] latour

From: Luiz Carlos Baptista <lucabaptista who-is-at>
Date: Sat Mar 08 2008 - 11:04:17 PST

Dear Martin,

This is very interesting, I'll have to think about it. In fact one of my
main interests regarding games is their ontological, or if you want,
metaphysical, import (besides issues of Simmelian sociability, etc.).

Thank you very much for the link, but I keep receiving an error message,
don't know why.


"The brain is a wonderful thing. Everybody should have one."

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Martin Packer
Sent: sábado, 8 de Março de 2008 18:51
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: Re: [xmca] latour

Dear Luiz,

In games we can alter the course
> of events, in fact we are required to do so (our freedom to do it of course
> varies greatly, depending on the game's design).

So in each game the player is a particular *kind* of agent (actant in
Greimas' terms), with specific kinds of powers and characteristics. And
these can transform during the game, right? So there are ontological
changes. (Greimas is famous for his diagram of the structural relationships
among kinds of actant, see link below.) One could presumably map these forms
of agency, the changes, the other agents a player encounters, and so develop
a description of the regional ontology of a game.



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Received on Sat Mar 8 11:08 PST 2008

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