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Re: [xmca] Perezhivanie and Dewey's concept of experience

Larry, I feel a bit like the soldier who has just come in off the parade ground and been accosted by a pretty girl and asked to dance. (I am reading Jane Austen at the moment, so I guess it is her influence).

The point of my selecting the quote I did about experience being "double-barrelled" was to show that Dewey, like Vygotsky, took experience/perezhivanie to be a *prior* unity of objective, interpersonal actions and inner subjective processes. The word "prior" is important. Experience, for Dewey, was not a "unity of the objective and subjective" but rather objective and subjective elements had to be abstracted from experience by means of distinctions made in analysis of experience. In his words:

   "The existence of this unity is constituted by a single /quality/
   that pervades the entire experience in spite of the variation of its
   constituent parts. This unity is neither emotional, practical, nor
   intellectual, for these terms name distinctions that reflection can
   make within it. In discourse /about/ an experience, we must make use
   of these adjectives of interpretation" (1934 PJD: 556).

So this establishes that Dewey and Vygotsky were at one on the ontological status of experience or perezhivanie. But this alone is not sufficient, for many writers have insisted, and I think correctly, that in order for an experience (in Dewey's sense) to function in the development of personality or character, certain what I would call "critical" or "emotionally charged" qualities must be present, just as LSV outlines in "The Problem of Age" and his notion of "social situation of development." Dewey calls this quality of an experience "problematic" and refers to "problematic situations."

But I think there is yet a third issue, more of an ontological nature, which has to be considered if experience or perezhivanie is to function as the "unit of analysis" on which to found a body of science. I understand that perezhivanie has a plural: perezhivanjia I think. Experience also has a plural: experiences. But what this brings out is that the relevant unit is "An experience" - a unit, not what is usually understood in English as "experience." This distinction is important. Experience, like play, and sport, and work are "mass nouns," and cannot be "units of analysis" in any meaningful, coherent sense. As illustrated in the above quote from Dewey, which comes from an essay called "Having An Experience," it is clear that Dewey is concerned with "an experience," not "experience", which is something that marks him out from the Empiricists.

I think, with these three points of coincidence, we can verify that Dewey's "experience" and Vygotsky's "perezhivanie" are the same concept, insofar as it is possible for concepts belonging to the thought of two different people, speaking different languages in different times in different cultures.


Larry Purss wrote:
I'm now moving into a hermeneutical circle where I am glimpsing the outline of the spirit of this thread. I will amplify [intensify] one aspect of your citation through repetition: Vygotsky talks of the difference between grammatical category and psychological category, more or less how the words which come out of your mouth in good syntax only approximate the concept which is being realised in the words. He says:
   "Thus, correspondence between the grammatical and psychological
structure of speech may be encountered less frequently than we
generally assume. Indeed, it may merely be postulated and rarely if
ever realized in fact."
Andy, this is another example of the inevitable *gaps* in psychological understanding which human communicative mediums *address* Language and perception as dialogical phenomena [dialogical meaning within NOT duo] seem to orient within nature as gestures, [a category] addressing and being addressed. I will pause here as I'm groping for understanding and I am as much *undergoing* and being carried along by the *dance* as I am initiating or *doing* or taking the *lead* Dewey's notion of *undergoing* & Gadamer's notion as *play* seem to share a family resemblance. Dewey says there needs to be a *balance* between doing and undergoing. Gadamer would invite us to reflect on *undergoing* I question if our current *social imaginary* [Taylor] or Agnes Heller's *logics* or Bahktin's *genre's [or Andy's concepts?] within modernity are out of balance and the emphasis on *doing* may inevitably move *undergoing* to the backgound or into the shadows out of sight and hearing. Andy, this movement of conversation as the rhythmical flow of unity and disunity which often [most often] starts from mis-understanding and then is needing to *return* to say more in order for further clarification [the process we are now engaging in] locates meaning not within internal subjective processes, nor in grammatical structures. Meaning is located within our dialogicalcomposing/compositions. In other words a hermeneutical *question and answer* dialogical phenomenal experience within conversations AS a *dance* or a *drama* [metaphor as transfer]. Psychological understandings, & grammatical understandings are simultaneously dialogical understandings [addressing the other] as rhythmical movements [gestures] Now the *other* being addressed, for Dewey, is foundationally a natural process and when experienced aesthetically, being addressed becomes experienced AS an intensification of living. Tom Leddy [in the article Dewey's Aesthetics] on page 4 suggests there is a renewed interest in Dewey scholarship in part due to increased interest in various continental aestheticians. Leddy points out the family resemblance between Dewey and Merleau Ponty and Gadamer and Marxist aestheticians. Another stream of reflections discusses the family resemblance between Dewey and Eastern Aesthetics. Mike opened this thread hoping to encourage conversations between Dewey's notion of experience and perezhivanie. Are the current conversations within Russia which are exploring and deepening our understanding of perezhivanie engaging with the various continental aestheticians who have returned to Dewey to explore the notion of intensifying experience? Larry On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>> wrote:

    I have been ruminating over these questions overnight, and Carol
    is of course right, that I cannot get away with claiming that
    "meaning" is a gerund, or at least that Vygotsky consistently uses
    "meaning" as part of the verb form "to mean" in "Thinking and
    Spech." Indeed, I am inclined now to think that Mike's comment to
    Carol: "Now how do we make sense of that, Carol?" was a beautiful
    piece of irony from an expert communicator to an expert linguist.
    For the way I wanted to bend the meaning of meaning in Vygoysky is
    more akin to how Vygotsky uses the word "sense".

    I turn to Chapter 7 of "T&S"
    (p. 276, or search for "several zones") and I see that Vygotsky
    talks about "sense" much as I want to use "concept" but he seems
    to regard it as a psychic structure, but at the same time I cannot
    make sense of what he is saying other than as "activity." And when
    he says "Isolated in the lexicon the word has only one meaning," I
    can only make sense of this as a plea *not* to take meaning in
    that way? I find the only way to make sense of LSV's use of words
    is to allow that the meanings were simply unavailable to him and
    he had to do the best he could.

    Continuing this investigation of Chapter 7, go to page 252 (or
    search for "grammatical category") and let's look at how LSV uses
    the word "category"! The rich etymology of this word is somewhat
    reflected in how Vygotsky uses it. According to the Oxford English
    dictionary, "category" dertives from the Greek kategoria, which
    means predication, or assertion, or accusation. It's meaning kind
    of branched off between philosophy - actually the sense in which
    Vygotsky seems to be using it, and which is the common or garden
    meaning, more or less - and rhetoric, see Wikipedia on
    "Apologetics" - in which kategoria and apologia are a pair of
    opposites. These words were used for respectively the prosecution
    and defence in the trial of Socrates, und9oubtedly also a rich
    source of development, albeit somewhat conflictual. But I think
    the meaning Vygotsky uses here is "predication" and he talks of
    the difference between grammatical category and psychological
    category, more or less how the words which come out of your mouth
    in good syntax only approximate the concept which is being
    realised in the words. He says:

       "Thus, correspondence between the grammatical and psychological
       structure of speech may be encountered less frequently than we
       generally assume. Indeed, it may merely be postulated and rarely if
       ever realized in fact. In phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, and
       semantics - even in rhythm, metrics, and music - the psychological
       category lies hidden behind the grammatical or formal category. If
       the two appear to correspond with one another in one situation,
       diverge again in others. We can speak not only of the psychological
       elements of form and meaning, not only of the psychological subject
       and predicate, but of psychological number, gender, case, pronouns,
       superlatives, and tenses."

    but then, at last, to give some reply to your question, Larry, he

       Thus, what is a mistake from the perspective of language, may have
       artistic value if it has an original source.

    and quotes some lines of poetry from Pushkin.

    I'm still struggling to make sense of this. :) I think Dewey's
    conceptions here are as close to LSV's as you can get, while
    remaining within the thinking of two different people working in
    two different contexts.


    Larry Purss wrote:

         Your comment:
         I don't deny that "meaning" has taken on a certain usage and
        is widely taken to be the attribute of a word or phrase and
        found in a dictionary, but I think as a scientist I prefer to
        see such things as objectifications of the primary source
        which is human speech/speaking. I think the same distinctions
        can be discovered in perezhivanija, experiences and so on.
         As a scientist what do you think of Dewey's understanding
        that science is the handmaiden of aesthetics [which means an
        intensifying experience of life]
         On page 16, Tom Leddy in the Stanford article Mike sent
        translates Dewey's understanding of being TRULY alive:
         "Rather than giving art primacy in aesthetic, Dewey believes
        that humans only feel properly alive when absorbing the
        aesthetic FEATURES of nature.  Aesthetic experience of the
        natural environment can even take the FORM of *ecstatic
        communion*.  This is due to ancient habits gained in the
        relations between the living being and its environment.
        Sensuous experience can absorb into itself meanings and values
        that are DESIGNATED 'ideal' or 'spiritual'.  Dewey observes
        that belief that nature is full of spirits is closely tied to
        POETRY.  The sensuous surfaces of things INCORPORATE not only
        what is given to the senses but the most profound INSIGHT.
         Many of the arts ORIGINATE in primitive rituals which were
        not simply intended as means to get rain, etc. but for the
        ENHANCEMENT OF THE EXPERIENCE. Similarly myth was not just an
        early form of science." [Leddy, p.16]
         Andy, as a scientist, are the practises of science intended
        to creatively and ideally participate in the reenchantment of
        the world?.
         Ivo introducing Gendlin, notions of vivencia, Merleau Ponty's
        notion of *singing thw world* all are invitations addressing
        us to imagine the rhythmical flow and pulsing of life
        reenchanted.  Modernity may have been a *wrong turn* and we
        are in a *revolution* [not as turning away from history but as
        a returning to history]  Ancient Greece often is returned to
        in philosophy. Why?  Because the texts of that epoch were
        expressing the experience of intensified life. It was an
        aesthetic epoch.
         Just thinking out loud but hopeing to participate in further
        *minding* and *eventing* as "collaborative projects" of
        revolution and return.

         On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Andy Blunden
        <ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>> wrote:

            The distinction is not quite the grammatical one, is it Carol?
            Meaning can be a noun and still be the name of an
        attribute of a
            symbol or artefact. "Attribute" is a noun. And it can
        still be a
            gerund, as a kind of noun, derived from the verb "to
        mean". So if
            "I meant to help you when I said that," "my meaning was to be
            helpful," with "meaning" here being the gerund referring to my
            speech act. I don't deny that  "meaning" has taken on a
            usage and is widely taken to be the attribute of a word or
            and found in a dictionary, but I think as a scientist I
        prefer to
            see such things as objectifications of the primary source
        which is
            human speech/speaking. I think the same distinctions can be
            discovered in perezhivanija, experiences and so on.


            mike cole wrote:

                Now how do we make sense of that, Carol?

                On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 8:37 PM,
        <carolmacdon@gmail.com <mailto:carolmacdon@gmail.com>
        <mailto:carolmacdon@gmail.com>> <mailto:carolmacdon@gmail.com
        <mailto:carolmacdon@gmail.com>>>> wrote:

                    No Andy, "meaning" is principally a noun of long
                    ossified. There are loads of examples of noun/verb
                    Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your
        email find you!

                    -----Original Message-----
                    From: Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>
                    Sender: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:39:57
                    To: <lchcmike@gmail.com
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>
                    Reply-To: ablunden@mira.net
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>, "eXtended
                    Mind, Culture,
                            Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
        <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>> <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
                    Cc: eXtended Mind, Culture,
        Activity<xmca@weber.ucsd.edu <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
                <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>>
        <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu> <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu

                    Subject: Re: [xmca] Perezhivanie and Dewey's
        concept of

                    Yes, the use of "Thought" in lieu of "Thinking" and
                "Language" instead
                    of "Speaking" is famous and widely recognised, but
        I have
                found that
                    while noting this, people often stick to "meaning"
        as the
                    attribute of a
                    symbol rather than the gerund of an action verb.


                    mike cole wrote:
                    > Not that the same "verbifying" can be found in
        "Thought and
                    > vs "Thinking and Speech." Kind of like Ivo's Dewey
                    > and Dilthey......
                    > Makes international discussion about
                    > an interesting exercise!
                    > mike
                    > On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Andy Blunden
                <ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                    > <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>> wrote:
                    >     Oh I see!
                    >     It has always amused me how George Lakoff in
        his list
                    >     human actions/relations which provide the
        foundation for
                    >     along with travelling, handling objects,
                and spatial
                    >     position, he includes guns and war. I have
        taken this as
                    >     indicative of the nature of life in the land
        of the
                free. So in
                    >     this case I took "double-barrelled" to mean
        as in
                    >     "double-barrelled shot gun"! I had never
        thought of
                the cooper's
                    >     barrel in this context.
                    >     And yes, the facility of English with its
        "ing" to
                turn a
                    >     verb into a noun can be annoying, if you get my
                meaning, but the
                    >     English language is undergoing a movement in
        the reverse
                    >     in recent decades, with more and more
        action-nouns (like
                    >     being used as verbs. This seems to be a
        legacy of
                the culture in
                    >     which James and Dewey were philosophising.
                    >     Andy
                    >     mike cole wrote:
                    >         A barrel, as used in this context, usually
                refers to a
                    wooden or
                    >         metal tube/container that is "solid." It is
                unchanging over
                    >         significant periods of a human life span.
                    >         Zaporozhets reminds us, somewhere, that
        as we are
                    groping the
                    >         environment with bodies, the environment is
                groping us. And
                    >         given the "ing" in groping, its not a
        noun, its
                a process
                    >         occurring over
                    >         time.
                    >         Perhaps that is not useful. I have
                on the brain,
                    >         so to speak.
                    >         mike
                    >         On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:02 PM, Andy
                    >         <ablunden@mira.net
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>
                    >         <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>>> wrote:
                    >             I don't understand your allusion to
                temporality, Mike.
                    >             Andy
                    >             mike cole wrote:
                    >                 Those are both terrifically useful
                passages to
                    think with,
                    >                 Larry and Andy. Thanks. I (so to
                    >         resonate to the
                    >                 notion of rhythmicity and
        movement in
                the first
                    >         passage, and
                    >                 the "doublebarrel" metaphor in
        the second. I
                    think for the
                    >                 latter that
                    >                 barrel is perhaps unfortunate in
        so far
                as "two-way"
                    >         /temporality/
                    >                 is backgrounded.
                    >                 thanks!
                    >                 mike
                    >                 On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 7:22 AM,
                    >                 <ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>
                    >         <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                    >         <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net
                <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>
        <mailto:ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >                     What about this one Larry?
                    >                            ‘Experience’ is what
                called a
                    >         double-barreled
                    >                 word. Like
                    >                            its congeners, life and
                history, it
                    >         includes /what/
                    >                 men do and
                    >                            suffer, /what/ they
                for, love,
                    >         believe and
                    >                 endure, and
                    >                            /how/ men act and are
                upon, the
                    >         in which
                    >                 they do and
                    >                            suffer, desire and enjoy,
                see, believe,
                    >         imagine –
                    >                 in short,
                    >                            processes of
                ... It is
                    >                 ‘double-barreled’ in
                    >                     that
                    >                            it recognizes in its
                integrity no
                    >         division
                    >                 between act
                    >                            and material, subject and
                object, but
                    >         contains them
                    >                 both in an
                    >                            unanalyzed totality.
        ‘Thing’ and
                    ‘thought’, as
                    >                 James says
                    >                     in the
                    >                            same connection, are
                    >         refer to
                    >                 products
                    >                            discriminated by
                out of
                    >                 experience (1929
                    >                     PJD:
                    >                            256-7).
                    >                     Andy
                    >                     Larry Purss wrote:
                    >                         Mike,
                    >                         On page 12 of the
         article on
                    >         notionotion of
                    >                         experience the theme
                    >                         of experience AS
                    >                         "life overcomes and
                factors of
                    >         opposition to
                    >                         achieve higher
                    >                         significance. Harmony and
                    are the
                    >         resullts
                    >                 not of
                    >                         mechanical
                    >                         processes but of RHYTHMIC
                resolution of
                    >         tension.  The
                    >                 rhythmic
                    >                         ALTERNATION
                    >                         within the live creature
                unity and
                    >         disunity
                    >                 becomes
                    >                         CONSCIOUS in
                    >                         humans.  Emotion
        signifies BREAKS in
                    >         experience which
                    >                 are then
                    >                         resolved
                    >                         through reflective action"
                    >                         I thought this may be a
        way in to
                    *start* the
                    >                 conversational
                    >                         dialogue  with
                    >                         perezhivanie.
                    >                         Larry
                    >                         On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at
        5:55 PM,
                Larry Purss
                    >                         <lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>>>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                 <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>>>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                 wrote:
> Michael, Mike:
                    >                             One more fragment on the
                 definition of
                    >         sentipensante:
                    >                             Sentipensante
        pedagogy offers a
                    >                 vision of
                    >                             education that
                    >                             emphasizes the harmonic,
                    >         relationship
                    >                             between the sentir of
                    >                             intuition and the
        pensar of
                    intellect and
                    >         scholarship;
                    >                             between teaching and
                    >                             learning; between formal
                knowledge and
                    >         wisdom; and
                    >                 between
                    >                             Western and
                    >                             non-Western ways of
                    >                             Seems to have some
                resemblance to
                    >         this theme of
                    >                             experience
                    >                             Larry
                    >                             On Mon, Feb 18, 2013
        at 5:37 PM,
                    Larry Purss
> <lpscholar2@gmail.com <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                 <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>>>>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com

        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                 <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>>>>>>> wrote:
> Mike,
                    >                                 Thanks for this.
                    >                                 Stanford Pub is
        a wonderful
                    >          I seem to
                    >                                 download an author
                    >                                 approximately once a
                month. For
                    $10 you
                    >                 support them
                    >                                 and get the articles
                    >                                 sent in a PDF
                    >                                 Michael , here
        is a link [in
                    >         to a youtube
                    >                                 video of Orlando
                    >                                 Fals-Borda
        discussing his
                    understanding of
                    >                 experience
                    >                                 from the heart.
                    >                                 If you have any
                in English
                    >         which you can
                    >                                 share, this
        seems to be
                    >                                 exploring experience
                within "felt
                    >         awareness".
                    >                                 Seems to be a
                    expansion of the
                    >                                 understanding of
                    >                                 Thanks, Michael
        and Mike
                    >                                 Larry
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbJWqetRuMo
                    >                                 On Mon, Feb 18,
        2013 at
                3:46 PM,
                    mike cole
> <lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>
                    >         <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
                    <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >          Thanks Larry. Viva la differencia. Here is
                    >                 a quick
                    >                                     summary of
        Dewey on
                    >                                     experience. Note
                that his ideas
                    >         are considered
                    >                                     unusual by
        the author.
                    >                                     That
                    >                                     Stanford pub
                very useful.
                    >                                     mike
> http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dewey-aesthetics/#HavExp
                    >                                     On Mon, Feb
        18, 2013
                at 3:08 PM,
                    >         Larry Purss
> <lpscholar2@gmail.com <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                 <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>>>>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com

        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com>> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                 <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
        <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com> <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lpscholar2@gmail.com
                    >                                     wrote:
                    >              Michael,
                    >                                         I also found
                this site
                    for Orlando
                    >                 Fals Borda.
                    >         http://comm-org.wisc.edu/si/falsborda.htm
                    >                                         If it is
        off topic
                    please ignore.
                    >                 However, it
                    >                                         is where my
                curiosity was
                    >                                         called
        or invited.
                    >                                         Larry
                    >                                         On Mon,
        Feb 18,
                2013 at
                    11:40 AM,
                    >                 Glassman,
                    >                                         Michael <
                    >                glassman.13@osu.edu
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>>>
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                    >                 <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>>
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                    >         <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>>
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>>>>> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>>

        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                    >         <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                    >                 <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu>>
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
        <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu> <mailto:glassman.13@osu.edu
                    >                  wrote:
> Perhaps
                    >         another avenue to
> explore might be
                    Ortega y
                    >         Gasset's
                    >                 ideas on
> experience
                (which is
                    >         probably in
                    >                 some ways
> reflective
                of Dewey)
                    >                      which was
                    >                  appropriated by Orlando Fals Borda
                    >                 in the
> concept of
                vivencia -
                    >                      which is
                    >                  very compelling - and became an
                    >                 important
                    >                                             part of
                    >                      conception
                    >                  of Participatory Action Research.
                    >                  This
> might then
                tie back
                    to the
                    >                          earlier
                    >                        issue on PAR.
                    >                                             Michael
                    >          ________________________________________
                    >                                             From:
                    >         xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
> <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >          <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
> <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         [xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
> <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >          <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
> <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
                    >         <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu
        <mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu>>>>>>] on
                    >                          behalf
                    >                        of mike cole
        [lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                    >         <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
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        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>
                    >         <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
                <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com> <mailto:lchcmike@gmail.com
> Sent: Monday,
                    February 18,
                    >         2013
                    >                 2:28 PM
                    >                                             To:
        Beth Ferholt
                    >                                             Cc:
                    Zuckerman; John
                    >                 Shotter; Boris
> Meshcheryakov; eXtended
                    >                      Mind,
                    >                  Culture, Activity; James Wertsch;
> Alexander
> Subject: Re:
                    >         Perezhivanie and
                    >                                             Dewey's
                concept of
> Thanks Beth--
                    >                                             I
        ask, firstly,
                    because there
                    >                 appear quite
                    >                                             clear
                overlaps as
                    you and
                    >                          Monica
                    >                        have been exploring.
> Secondly, we
                have two
                    >         submissions
                    >                 to MCA
                    >                                             on
                perezhivanie that are
                    >                      very
                    >                  focused on Russian authors. Over
                    >                 and above
> competing > exegeses of
                the ideas of
                    >         Vygotsky,
> Puyzerei,
                etc., it seems
                    >         important
                    >                          that
                    >                        we figure out ways to explore
                    >                 different
                    >                                             ways
        of thinking
                    about the
                    >                          general
                    >                        category of "experience"
        that will be
> productive
                of new
                    >         empirical and
> theoretical
                    >                                             mike
                    >                                             On
        Mon, Feb
                18, 2013 at
                    >         9:42 AM, Beth
                    >                                             Ferholt
                    >         <bferholt@gmail.com
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>>
                    >         <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>>>
                    >                 <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>>
        <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> <mailto:bferholt@gmail.com
                    >                          wrote:

*Andy Blunden*
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Book: http://www.brill.nl/concepts

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