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Re: [xmca] The sociocultural turn in psychology

Looks to be an interesting book. There is a rumor that at some point in the
future contributing authors will see a copy! :-)

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 7:53 AM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net> wrote:

> Understood Larry. That's why I used the word "also", except I mistyped and
> it came out "lso"! :)
> andy
> Larry Purss wrote:
>> Andy
>>  my comments were in the spirit of emphasizing the tradition of
>> psychoanalysis AS A  SOCIOCULTURAL PRODUCT AND REFLECTION of the times in
>> which it was written.  Through an historical lens Kirschner narrates the
>> roots of the tradition and therefore is contributing to the developing
>> reactions and critiques of psychoanalysis as an historical product
>> influential in the 20th century. The questioning and challenging of its
>> presuppositions in the human sciences has generated deeper reflections on
>> psychology as a tradition. Kirschner's history of psychoanalysis [as an
>> historically constituted product  of its time] is an historical
>> sociocultural narrative.  I mentioned her previous writing to put in
>> "context" Kirschner's background. I found it interesting that her current
>> book synthesizing sociocultural accounts was written by an author with her
>> previous interests.  Moscovici, in explicating his theory of social
>> represention also has written a book on the emergence and dissemination of
>> psychoanalyis as an historical sociocultural phenomena.  These historical
>> reflections are in a similar spirit of exploring the notions of Western
>> religion and how the moral themes of Western religious traditions can
>> continue to emerge in contemporary human science narratives.
>>  Larry
>> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 5:40 AM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net <mailto:
>> ablunden@mira.net>> wrote:
>>    I've never been very much interested in psychoanalysis (too
>>    unscientific for me) but Eli Zaretsky's "Secrets of the Soul" (a
>>    history of psychoanalysis) I really enjoyed, lso emphasising
>>    psychoanalysis as a product and reflection of the times rather than
>>    as a viable theory of mind.
>>    Andy
>>    Larry Purss wrote:
>>        PS,
>>        Andy,for the historian in you, Suzanne Kirschner has written
>>        another fascinating book on the cultural historical roots of
>>        psychoanalysis that is an historical  developmental account of
>>        how Freud's theory is a continuation of our Western religious
>>        heritage.  A concrete example of how our "traditions that
>>        constitute us as persons" emerge from specific concrete
>>        historical circumstances.  She has an interesting intellectual
>>        background from which to co-author this new book on the
>>        sociocultural turn in psychology.
>>        Larry
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