Re: Forming relationships with consumers?

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Wed, 5 Nov 1997 08:39:27 -0800 (PST)

You ought to find the xmca discussion useful, Cynthia. Yes, I think
the lineage of ethnography is part and parcel of the colonization of
third world peoples by Europeans. Many of the early Classics of
Anthropology were district commissioners or other government functionaries,
by virtue of which they excercised control over those with whom they

I believe it is the nature of capitalism that companies will conglomerate
and will seek to "understand" the objects of their activity, the consumer,
broadly conceived.

I also believe that Microsoft is being intelligent in placing you right
in the position you are in-- a mediator-- between insides and outsides
of a company that is seeking global domination of the flow of information
and may well get a giant piece of that action/control.

Wow! What a fantastic job, but crazifying.