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[xmca] Fwd: [Air-L] Postdoc announcement

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "L. Wynholds" <wynholds@ucla.edu>
> Date: May 11, 2012 12:27:56 PM PDT
> To: air-l@listserv.aoir.org
> Cc: Christine Borgman <borgman@gseis.ucla.edu>, Sharon Traweek <traweek@history.ucla.edu>
> Subject: [Air-L] Postdoc announcement

> The UCLA Knowledge Infrastructures team seeks applications for an open
> post-doctoral position:
> We are conducting ethnographic and interview studies of digital data
> practices among scientists, including their research design, data
> collection, data analysis, data management, and data sharing with
> colleagues and the public. The project sites are four distributed
> data-driven research projects, two of which are ramping up their activities
> and two of which are ramping down.
> Review of applications begins May 15; submission deadline is May 30, 2012.
> One year appointment beginning August 2012; possible renewal for up to two
> more years.
> For more information, download the call for applications:
> http://knowledgeinfrastructures.gseis.ucla.edu/docs/SloanPostdoc_BorgmanTraweek_Announce.pdf
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