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Re: [xmca] Cultural Practices/Activities/etc

Mike, reading through your excellent review of the different concepts of context, along with event, situation, activity, practice, etc., is that all of them conceive of the "supra-individual" object of analysis as something esssentially static, and despite many declarations to the contrary and proofs that individuals can modify their enivironment (by whatever name) are that to which human individuals have to conform. "Event" is a little different, at least in the way it is used by some writers, but generally all seem to conceive of context as condition. Although supposed to be the source of motivation (in some versions), they may rise to the level of being the source of reward, but I see nothing which expresses what I regard as the inherent striving of human life. I think this is a problem.


mike cole wrote:
Attached is an attempt I made several years ago to summarize the different
terms and their uses. It is not in the least sophisticated about many of
those cited or not, but it covers some perhaps-useful information.

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