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Re: [xmca] More laughter and learning

Carrie Lobman (a rare writer on this list) has a summary article on outside of school and arts research. 

Don't forget to check out the latest at http://loisholzman.org

Lois Holzman, Ph.D.
Director, East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy
920 Broadway, 14th floor
New York NY 10010
Chair, Global Outreach for UX (www.allstars.org/ux)
tel. 212.941.8906 ext. 324
fax 718.797.3966

On Mar 20, 2011, at 7:55 PM, kassia rojas wrote:

> Mike, thank you very much for the article and the link for xmca
> archive.
> While learning in schools can be seen as an ‘activity of the mind
> only’, transmission, tasks, etc ‘learning’ in after school clubs  seems
> socio-culturally embedded influenced not only by the social interactions, but
> also by the ‘institutional discourses’, this is the reason why that the
> affordances of these settings might be associated with ‘play’ and ‘fun’. 
> Talking from my experience (involved in an action research project
> in an after school club and museums) I’ve argued that the informality
> associated with this kind of experience has to do with the ‘flexibility’ of
> children’s choices, interest, modes of communication, interaction, ways of
> belonging … that might become the diverse ‘paths to multi-literacies’ and that
> the pedagogical design has to do with an understanding of these settings as
> activity systems, their affordances and social practices.
> Bronya Calderon   
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