[xmca] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Senior search in developmental psychology

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Sep 27 2008 - 17:39:17 PDT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yarrow Dunham <ydunham@ucmerced.edu>
Date: Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 5:21 PM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Senior search in developmental psychology
To: COGDEVSOC@listserv.umd.edu

The School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts at the University of
California, Merced, invites applications from distinguished scholars and
teachers at the Full and Associate Professor (tenured) levels in
Developmental Psychology. Research focus within this area is open. Selected
applicants may also be eligible for an endowed chair with a focus on basic
or applied research into learning disabilities, broadly defined. This is a
unique opportunity to join a growing faculty in psychology at a new
University of California campus, and to contribute to long-term program
building. We are currently focusing on building excellence in developmental
psychology, quantitative methods, and health psychology/ behavioral
medicine. The University of California at Merced is an affirmative
action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to
the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. The
University is supportive of dual career couples.

We seek outstanding scholars who will establish and maintain creative
research programs, take the lead in creating a specialization in development
of innovative interdisciplinary programs and research, and teach effectively
at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate will
hve a doctorate in developmental psychology or closely related field, a
strong record of publication and external grant funding, and experience and
interests in program-building. We encourage applications from persons in all
areas of developmental psychology.

The University of California is creating a dynamic new university campus and
campus community in Merced, California, which opened in September 2005 as
the tenth campus of the University of California and the first American
research university built in the 21st century. In keeping with the mission
of the University to provide teaching, research and public service of the
highest quality, UC Merced provides new educational opportunities at the
undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels through three academic schools:
Engineering, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences/Humanities/Arts.

Merced is a pleasant community of abut 80,000 located in the rapidly
developing and multi-ethnic Central Valley of California, within view of the
Sierra Nevada mountains. It is about an hour to the Sierra Mountains and two
hours to Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Jose, Berkeley and Sacramento.

*Closing Date*: 11/20/2008

For more information or to apply, please visit:
Or contact Professor Jack Vevea at jvevea@ucmerced.edu
xmca mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 27 17:39 PDT 2008

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