[xmca] had a tiger by the tail or was it an elephant?

From: Olga Vasquez <ovasquez who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu>
Date: Sat Sep 27 2008 - 14:48:13 PDT

Mike and all, thank you all for your comments.
They help me to envision that I had the tail of
  an elephant rather than one of a tiger in my
hands during ISCAR--an imperceptible perception
as I held on for dear life for almost a week. It
was more stable, more solid than I imagined it at
the moment and for a week later. I learned a
lot about myself, your alls work, and life in
upper management. Loved every minute of it,
except the latter.

My biggest regret regarding ISCAR 2008 is that I
was able to sit in on so few presentations and
those that I did experience, made me yearn to
return to my research. It has been too long that
my mind has thought of anything but ISCAR and my
body too neglected. I am comforted,however, that
Calit2 will be posting approximately 75
presentations in a couple of weeks so we can all
see at least the ear and trunk of an elephant
that was ISCAR. We will link them to the moodle
site and to iscar2008.com
as soon as they are available.

Calit2 was a tremendous friend throughout the
planning and the execution of the Congress.
Here are a couple of news articles that they published.



Thank you all for your patience, your brilliance
and your exceptional work. Thank you
for your words of appreciation and the little gifts you brought from your
country. My staff and will treasure them for ever.
My Best,

>There is a neck and neck vote at xmca for next article for discussion. We
>will close the polls
>tommorrow afternoon at 5pm california time.
>Seems like I was the only member of xmca, aside from Jonna, to attend ISCAR.
>Very odd
>hallucinations I was having, it appears. Otherwise, a lot of people would
>have written about
>interesting ideas they encountered there.
>:-)) And the sun is still shining, too. New from Moscow is that ISCAR
>opening was accompanied
>by horrible rain and drop to winter temperatures, which probably explains
>the communicative
>difficulties experienced by Sasha Surmava et al despite heroic efforts.
>xmca mailing list

Olga A. Vásquez
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0503
xmca mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 27 14:49 PDT 2008

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