[xmca] Conference Announcement

From: Lois Holzman <lholzman who-is-at eastsideinstitute.org>
Date: Tue Mar 04 2008 - 11:12:08 PST

Dear XMCA-ers,
As you are aware from the substance of some of my postings here, I am
involved with what is becoming an international performance movement
of practitioners and scholars involved in performance, improvisation,
creative arts in relationship to learning and development/social
issues. I've been a convener of four international conferences,
Performing the World, since 2001. The next one is this coming October
and it will be in NYC, co-hosted by the All Stars Project at their
center in the Times Square area. There will be an International Youth
Day and this will be an opportunity to learn about and share work with
many groups that work outside of schools. A special feature of the
conference is that non-NYers can, if they want, stay in the homes of
people in the metropolitan area. Over 50 people are already working on
securing housing for 150 guests.
I would really like to have more CHAT proposals than in the past
because I think the work here is so relevant to what the performance
people are doing—and I invite you to submit proposals.
Ana Marjanovic Shane, who has presented at past PTWs, has joined the
group of conveners and maybe she will comment on the conference as well.
See the announcement and call for proposals below.


Performing the World ‘08
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
New York City
October 2-5, 2008
Proposals Due April1, 2008
The conveners of Performing the World, the conference/festival of the
growing international performance movement, are excited to announce
that the fifth Performing the World will be held in New York City from
October 2-5, 2008. The event will showcase innovative practice and
scholarship and provide a rich context for learning and performing

Performing the World ’08 (PTW ’08) builds on the momentum of
2007’s PTW 4, which brought together 300 practitioners, scholars and
community activists—educators, youth workers, researchers,
psychologists and therapists, health and helping professionals,
business people, artists and activists from 27 countries. PTW ’08 is
bringing the international performance movement to the streets of New
York—and introducing the performance movement to the communities of
New York City.

For the first time, the All Stars Project, an organization recognized
for its highly successful performance-based outside-of-school
developmental programs for young people and its Castillo Theatre,
joins the East Side Institute as a co-sponsor of the conference. PTW
’08 will be based out of the All Stars’ performance and development
center on 42nd Street near Times Square, and will be hosted by young
people from around the city. Workshops and performances will take
place there and at theatres, schools and other venues throughout
Manhattan and other boroughs. New Yorkers from virtually every
neighborhood will open up their homes to out-of-towners, not only to
save on hotel costs, but also to incorporate the diversity of family
and neighborhood into the experience of the weekend and to build
person-to-person ties between ordinary New Yorkers and performance
activists and scholars from around the world.

PTW ’08 invites proposals from all who are involved in performance
work that is related to cultural, economic or psychological
development, community-building, social justice, citizenry, individual
and social transformation, social entrepreneurship, etc. We are
looking for a variety of presentation types, including workshops,
conversations, demonstrations, discussions and panels. We encourage a
playfulness and experimentation for all presentations, especially with
regard to theory and data.

This year’s theme, “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow,” encourages
participants to attend to history and process—their own and that of
the performance movement. We are particularly interested in
examinations/explorations of the shift from a cognitive to a
performative approach to understanding, interacting with and
(re)creating the world as embodied in the work of the participants and/
or those they with whom they work/play/ study. Also of interest is the
performance movement’s interaction with and impact on the “big
issues” facing the world— poverty, war and peace, sustainability,
democracy, globalization, cultural diversity and creativity, the list
could go on. The second day of PTW ‘08 will be devoted to “An
International Celebration of Youth” and we encourage those interested
to submit proposals relative to youth, youth performance and youth
development for that day.

Fields of Interest:

· Applied Theatre

· Improvisation

· Performance Studies

· Youth Development

· Participatory Research and Evaluation

· Political and Community Organizing

· Education

· Drama in Education

· Psychology and Psychotherapy

· Community Development

· Medicine and Health Care

· Organizational Change, Business
and Management

A sampling of conversational themes, panels, workshops and performances:

· Performance as a Community Building Methodology

· Postmodern Creativity and Performance

· Knowing, Not Knowing and Performing

· Performance and Politics

· Performance in Daily Life

· The Therapeutics of Performance

· The Creativity of the Group, Ensemble and Community

· Theatre and Community

· The Creativity of Improvisation

· Performing, Improvising and Learning

· The Power of Play

· Conflict Resolution and Performance

Registration Fee

Before August 1: $195 (US)

After August 1: $225 (US)

Instructions and forms for submitting proposals, due April 1, 2008,
can be viewed and downloaded at www.performingtheworld.org. Proposals
should be e-mailed to Lois Holzman at ptw@eastsideinstitute.org. The
subject headline should be PTW Proposal. If you can’t e-mail, then
mail or fax to:

Lois Holzman, Director

East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy

920 Broadway, 14th Floor

New York, New York 10010


Fax: 212-941-0511

Tel. 212-941-8906

  PTW ‘08 is sponsored by the All Stars Project, Inc.
(www.allstars.org) andthe East Side Institute for Group and Short Term
Psychotherapy (www.eastsideinstitute.org)

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Received on Tue Mar 4 11:14 PST 2008

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