[xmca] Fwd: Research fellowships

From: David Preiss <davidpreiss who-is-at uc.cl>
Date: Tue Mar 04 2008 - 09:22:10 PST

Begin forwarded message:

> From: GALBRAITH David <D.Galbraith@staffs.ac.uk>
> Date: March 4, 2008 1:03:49 PM GMT-03:00
> Subject: Research fellowships
> Reply-To: GALBRAITH David <D.Galbraith@staffs.ac.uk>
> Umeå University and the Faculty for Teacher Education are happy to
> announce three six-year research fellow positions, which also
> include a two-year post-doc abroad. At least one of the three will
> be designated to the field of Literacy and History of literacy.
> Please follow this link http://www.umu.se/umu/aktuellt/arkiv/
> lediga_tjanster/312-640-08.html or contact me for more information.
> All the best
> Eva Lindgren, eva.lindgren@educ.umu.se
> **********************
> Eva Lindgren, PhD
> Forskningssekreterare | Research secretary
> Kansliet för lärarutbildning, N B5 | Faculty for Teacher Education,
> N B5
> Umeå Universitet | Umeå University
> S-901 87 Umeå
> Tel. +46 (0)90-786 95 84
> Mob. +46 (0)70-614 90 13
> http://www.educ.umu.se/personal/lindgren.eva.html
> **********************************************************************
> David Galbraith
> Centre for Educational Psychology Research
> Faculty of Sciences
> Staffordshire University
> College Road
> Stoke-on-Trent
> ST4 2DE
> United Kingdom
> tel: +44 (0)1782 294678
> fax: +44 (0)1782 745506
> e-mail: d.galbraith@staffs.ac.uk
> **********************************************************************
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David Preiss, Ph.D.
Subdirector de Extensión y Comunicaciones
Escuela de Psicología
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Av Vicuña Mackenna 4860
Macul, Santiago

Fono: 3544605
Fax: 3544844
e-mail: davidpreiss@uc.cl
web personal: http://web.mac.com/ddpreiss/
web institucional: http://www.epuc.cl/profesores/dpreiss

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Received on Tue Mar 4 09:26 PST 2008

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