i would also be very interested in an online course with an emphasis on building new understandings through dialog. i have contacts with a university in Singapore that may also be interested in participating.
as an aside- i have recently received a Kaufman Foundation Grant that will allow me to create a 3-D collaborative virtual learning environment in Second Life Teen World that will teach advanced geosciences to high school students utilizing an problem-based learning scenario. i will pilot the new learning environment in several high schools in the Kansas City Missouri School District.
i find the potential of these new learning environments exciting as technology can now be used to implement integrated curriculum to develop advanced learning processes based on the principles of sociocultural learning and development.
Donna L. Russell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Instructional Technology
Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
School of Education
University of Missouri-Kansas City
(email) russelldl@umkc.edu <mailto:russelldl@umkc.edu>
(website) http://r.web.umkc.edu/russelldl/ <http://r.web.umkc.edu/russelldl>
(cell) 314.210.6996
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Received on Tue Apr 24 17:53 PDT 2007
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