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>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 07:27:09 +0000
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>Subject: CHILDREN AND TECHNOLOGY: disClosure, a journal of social theory
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>Cyber Society - http://www.unn.ac.uk/cybersociety
>Date: Oct 29 1999 05:20:21 EDT
>From: Joanne Roberts <joanne.roberts who-is-at unn.ac.uk>
>Subject: FW: CHILDREN AND TECHNOLOGY: disClosure, a journal of social
>If your research is concerned with **children and technology** this call
>for papers may be of interest.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Kingsbury [mailto:ptking0@pop.uky.edu]
>Sent: 26 October 1999 21:59
>To: crit-geog-forum who-is-at mailbase.ac.uk
>Subject: disClosure, a journal of social theory
>apologies for cross-postings
>Call for Papers
>disClosure, a journal of social theory
>issue #10: childhood
>visit the web site version of this call at:
>This issue will address a broad range of issues relating to the category of
>childhood. We seek to explore the construction and experience of childhood
>-- past, present, and future. Contributions from an array of theoretical
>perspectives are welcome, including but not limited to psychoanalysis,
>feminism, post-structuralism, critical theory, Marxism, post-colonialism,
>and queer theory.
>Possible topics and questions for consideration:
>* The use of the category "child" or "children" in the construction of
>consumer discourses (e.g. "child-safe") political discourses (e.g. the
>rights of children, the "childrenization" of poverty) and legal discourses
>(e.g. child labor laws).
>* The regulation of childhood through education, medicalization, the
>judicial system, and consumption.
>* Children's media (e.g. cartoons, fairytales and children's books, video
>games) and the construction of childhood.
>* The politics and policies of reproduction (e.g. zero-growth, genetic
>engineering, gender selection, birth control, adoption, pre-natal care,
>category of childhood).
>* Violence by/toward children.
>* Growth and development (e.g. rites of passage, adolescence, puberty,
>sexuality, body image).
>* Disciplining children (e.g. spankings, naughtiness, beauty pageants,
>proper behavior, potty training).
>* Questions of the family (e.g. the construction of parents, family
>* Kids and technology.
>* Kids and play (e.g. recess, toys, Barbie culture, hobbies, sports).
>* The end of childhood / the end of innocence.
>SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 15, 2000
>About disClosure: a journal of social theory
>Articles in past issues of disClosure have broadly engaged material of
>interest to readers in the humanities, social sciences, and arts. Editorial
>collective members have interviewed: David Roediger, Linda Alcoff,
>Cockburn, Jane Flax, David Harvey, Chantal Mouffe, Gloria Anzaldua, Paul
>Taylor, Cindi Katz, bell hooks and others. Art and poetry submissions from
>international contributors and local sites have also appeared in disClosure
>as important expressions relating to the themes considered.
>disClosure invites submissions from all theoretical perspectives and genres
>(essay, interview, review, prose, poetry, artwork) from authors and artists
>concerned with social theory -- whether academically affiliated or not.
>disClosure is a refereed journal produced in conjunction with the Committee
>on Social Theory at the University of Kentucky. Editorial decisions are
>based solely on quality and originality.
>Papers: Include three copies of text submissions, double spaced and no more
>than 10,000 words. Manuscripts, notes, and bibliographies should follow MLA
>standards. Art and other graphic material may be submitted as
>transparencies, prints, or electronic files (with hard copy provided for
>proofing). Please do not submit material that has been half-toned for
>publication (e.g., pictures in books or catalogues). Authors are
>for securing copyright and fair-use notices and must submit them prior to
>disClosure publication.
>Art/Poetry: Artists should submit digital or camera-ready material.
>Electronic submissions should be accompanied by hard copy. Art cannot be
>returned, so do not send originals. Include one copy of poetry submissions.
>N.B. All material accepted by disClosure for publication becomes property
>the journal. disClosure is not responsible for loss or damage resulting
>Mail to: disClosure
>c/o Department of Philosophy
>1415 Patterson Office Tower
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40506-0027
>e-mail inquiries for this issue to: disclos who-is-at pop.uky.edu
>visit the web site version of this call at:
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Phil Graham
p.graham who-is-at qut.edu.au