I'd like very much to receive a copy of your article.
Would you please send me it in attachment?
Thank you.
Artin Goncu, Ph.D. wrote:
> Mike--
> I wonder if any of the chapters in my edited volume "Children's engagement
> in the world: Sociocultural perspectives" would be of help to your
> students. Also, Joe Becker and I have published a paper called "Some
> contributions of Vygotsky's theory to Early Education" in which we built on
> Vygotsky's theory in talking about play and problem-solving. If you are
> interested, I will send you a copy of that paper. Best, Artin
> At 09:00 AM 10/22/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >Dear XMCA-ites-- I am doing some teaching via DL with a junior college
> >class. I was planning on giving them Vygotsky on play, but from ongoing
> >experience. I know that it would take more support than I can provide
> >for this to be a good experience for them. What do people recommend at
> >a simpler, synthetic, level that might be good on play, learning, and
> >development as a sub?
> >mike
> >
> >
> Artin Goncu, Ph.D
> Associate Professor
> The University of Illinois at Chicago
> Educational Psychology (M/C 147)
> College of Education
> 1040 W. Harrison Street
> Chicago, IL 60607-7133
> (312) 996-5259