We are currently working on a research contract from the New Zealand
Ministry of Education which is examining the basis on which New
Zealand schools make decisions about the purchase and deployment of
ICT. the purpose of the research is to try and provide useful
analytical tools to schools to help them make better decisions,.
One of the significant emergent issues in this study is that
decision making is based on very poor levels of analysis about the
context in which the technology is to be used. Tool mediation and
tool appropriation questions abound, but largely remain unanswered.
My specific reason for sending this message to you is that I am
struggling to understand the ways in which ICT mediates learning
processes, and the ways in which different approaches to software
design might stimulate different patterns of classroom activity -
with uncharted implications for the design and organisation of
schools as workplaces.
I would be intertested in monitoring a conversation on these topics
on xmca, or in hearing from individuals with a particular interest by
a private communication.
In order to provide context I am also posting two other messages. One
is the conclusion of a scoping report for our project. The second is
the conclusion of a lit review for the project.
Phillip Capper
Centre for Research on Work, Education and Business (WEB Research)
PO Box 2855
7th Floor 142 Featherston Street
New Zealand
Ph: (64) 04 499 8140
Fx: (64) 04 499 8395
pcapper who-is-at actrix.gen.nz