Yes, I need your help again...
I'm working on my dissertation in which there is a chapter on developing
a bridging language curriculum for Cantonese school children in Hong
Kong... a curriculum that will affirm and build on their indigenous
linguistic and cultural resources (mainly Cantonese pop culture) and yet
help them to access the socio-economically dominant English language and
literacy... something along the line of curriculum development proposed
by Lisa Delpit in her "The Silenced Dialogue" article.
Betsy Brenner has provided me with some helpful leads, especially works
about the Kamehameha Early Literacy Project, and also Gallimore and
Tharp's works... I would appreciate your help in pointing me to other
key refs. on native education in America... are there any similar works
done for indigenous groups... i.e., developing a language curriculum for
them that will take care of both their needs: both affirming their identity
and providing them access to the dominant capital? I especially would
like to look at works that include practical examples of curricular designs and
Thanks very much for your help in advance!
Angel M.Y. Lin
Doctoral Candidate
Modern Language Centre
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M5S 1V6, Canada
E-Mail: MYLIN who-is-at OISE.ON.CA