Re: publication

Angel M.Y. Lin (mylin who-is-at
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 11:36:02 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Mike,
A quick answer to your question:
The paper to me is a data-based analysis, rich in first-hand insights and
concrete classroom data; but I must say it needs lots of restructuring
and framing (e.g., adding something like a "literature review" to link
the work to existing works) in order for it to be accepted by standard
academic journals... the major barrier that I feel for
teacher-researchers (who are teachers but starting to do valuable,
systematic research on their own teaching and take the time to write it
up for others...) is that they may not be familiar with the existing
literature and frameworks... and the academic writing style... etc... You
know, I myself am just starting to learn this "journal" article style...
my supervisor (James Heap) and other OISE professors help me a lot, because
I'm their student; but teachers usually do not have access to these people
who could help them...

An alternative would be to have more teacher-researcher journals, which
do not necessarily follow the requirements and conventions of traditional
academic journals, which yet publish valuable teacher research, and which
both teachers and academics will read: as a forum for interaction...


On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, Mike Cole wrote:

> Hi Angel-- I suggest that your teacher-researcher colleague submit
> his paper to any number of journals with interests in the issues
> raised. It is unclear from your note whether the paper is written
> in more or less standard academic form-- that is, does it, like your
> note, make reference to prior work such as that which you mention
> or that to Tim Lensmire, whom you wrote about earlier.
> I sort of don't understand your question in this sense-- does the
> fact that this person is a teacher researcher (instead of, for example,
> a researchers teacher or a researcher xxxxxxx) make any difference
> in where it is permissible to submit work for review and publication?
> The priveleged status of those who are participants in the systems
> they analyze remains an issue it would be good for us to be clearer about,
> as well as the special difficulties.
> mike