Re: Activity and Money

From: Judy Diamondstone (
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 11:34:00 PST

Wonderful references. I've mentioned Walkerdine before -- I think Nate has
as well. But these other references are more on target.

At 12:22 PM 12/14/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear All:
>To my knowledge, Lita Furby is the only person who addressed this question
>in developmental psychology. I drew from her work some years back in my
>effort to understand children's desire to own play objects, and reported
>some findings in 1984. Cultural differences in possesion of play objects
>can be found in Haight in Children's engagement in the world (1999). Best,
>Furby, Lita. Understanding the psychology of possession and ownership: A
>personal memoir and an appraisal of our
>progress. [Journal Article] Journal of Social Behavior & Personality. Vol
>6(6), 1991, 457-463. Abstract |
>Complete Reference
>Furby, Lita. The origins and early development of possessive behavior.
>[Journal Article] Political Psychology. Vol
>2(1), Spr 1980, 30-42. Abstract | Complete Reference
>Furby, Lita. Collective possession and ownership: A study of its judged
>feasibility and desirability. [Journal Article]
>Social Behavior & Personality. Vol 8(2), 1980, 165-184. Abstract |
>Complete Reference
>Furby, Lita. Inequalities in personal possessions: Explanations for and
>judgments about unequal distribution. [Journal
>Article] Human Development. Vol 22(3), 1979, 180-202. Abstract | Complete
>Furby, Lita. Sharing: Decisons and moral judgments about letting others use
>one's possessions. [Journal Article]
>Psychological Reports. Vol 43(2), Oct 1978, 595-609. Abstract | Complete
>Furby, Lita. Possession in humans: An exploratory study of its meaning and
>motivation. [Journal Article] Social
>Behavior & Personality. Vol 6(1), 1978, 49-65. Abstract | Complete
>At 07:09 AM 12/14/00 -0800, you wrote:
>>This question is similar to one I asked some time ago as to whether there
>>had been any studies of children's acquisition of concepts of property. At
>>that time I received no responses. Carl Ratner told me personally that he
>>doesn't know of any either. It would seem that money, as a form of exchange
>>value which presupposes the existence of some concept of property would fall
>>into this category but who knows. I'm anxious to see what response there is
>>to your query.
>>Paul H. Dillon
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Andy Blunden <>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 2:59 AM
>>Subject: Activity and Money
>>> Does anyone know of a work in the Vygotsky School which deals with money?
>>> For example, has any maths teacher in the CHAT tradition discussed why
>>> children who cannot do 6-2=4 know that if they have $6 and lose $2 then
>>> they have $4 left? Has anyone studied the development in a child of the
>>> idea that labour should be exchanged? of the concept of value? of why
>>> wage-slavery is more respectable than domestic servitude but less
>>> prestigious than exploiting others?
>>> There's a lot of material about knowledge, but has anyone in the Vygotsky
>>> school talked about ethics?
>>> Andy
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> | - Andy Blunden - Home Page - - |
>>> | All mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational |
>>> | solution in human practice and in the comprehension of this practice.|
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>Artin Goncu, Ph.D
>College of Education M/C 147
>University of Illinois at Chicago
>1040 W. Harrison St.,
>Chicago, IL 60607
>(312) 996-5259
>Fax (312) 996-6400

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