Andy, Paul -- are you familiar with Walkerdine? (*The master of reason*) --
she looks at kids' socialization into mathematics as a communicative
process embedded in meaning-making practices at home including role play
around money
At 09:59 PM 12/14/00 +1100, you wrote:
>Does anyone know of a work in the Vygotsky School which deals with money?
>For example, has any maths teacher in the CHAT tradition discussed why
>children who cannot do 6-2=4 know that if they have $6 and lose $2 then
>they have $4 left? Has anyone studied the development in a child of the
>idea that labour should be exchanged? of the concept of value? of why
>wage-slavery is more respectable than domestic servitude but less
>prestigious than exploiting others?
>There's a lot of material about knowledge, but has anyone in the Vygotsky
>school talked about ethics?
>| - Andy Blunden - Home Page - - |
>| All mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational |
>| solution in human practice and in the comprehension of this practice.|
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