Re: chicken soup for xmca?

Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 21:51:58 PST

Bill wrote:
 Some people cook by
> following recipes, sometimes using a recipe of their's or another's to make
> a specific thing, a particular taste, and what's prepared serves another
> function. Others are bricoleurs, exploring the cooking process, and the
> combinations of the ingredients as they invent.
> Some do a little of both...

and when i was growing up, there were men who cooked, and they were called
"chefs" and there were women who cooked, and they were called "mom"! And so
i would like to retain an analysis of socio-culturally produced difference/s
where identity does not rigidly determine position, but where "diversity"
does not either get reduced to a maxim like, "we are all different - vive la
difference". in my world, difference/s makes a difference, and it is worth
figuring out how, why, and of what consequence this might be.


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