RE: RE: What am i missing?

From: Nate Schmolze (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 13:09:14 PST


I think your questions are important which is why I found Bill's use of
division of labor interesting. I tend to see division of labor connected
more to power than the mechanic definition in Leontev's example. For
example, who gets to beat the bush or carry the clubs and which are seen as
more important. If I beat the bush does my story carry the same weight as if
I carry a club.

It is often easy to think of object, especially in education, as this thing
that contrains individuals goals. In this conceptualization the perspective
of the individual and their goals are valued. I think it can also work the
other way in which the transformation of a collective object is not
necessarily a good thing. Here we can take the collective object of
community building which contradicts with particular goals (green peace in
Bill's example)where the transformation of the object is not necessarily a
good thing.

I think if our object is community building or multivoivedness it makes the
questions you posed central. It is something that often in easy to forget in
the heat of an argument. How the tone, style, or how we ask the question
can support (or not) the object of xcma.


-----Original Message-----
From: Katherine Goff []
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: RE: What am i missing?

Nate writes:
>I don't want to impose a grand object on xcma, but rather contemplate
>if multivoicedness was our object, what questions would open up or in what
>ways could we look at the contradictions differently.

i agree with what i hear you suggesting,
but i think it will take more than finding those illusive questions.
if multivoicedness (what a mouthful!) was our object, or is our object,
or might be the object of some of the participants,
we would also look at _how_ the questions get asked,
who is not encouraged (or actively discouraged) to ask them,
what questions get dismissed as impossible or "not for the likes of us" or
even dismissed because they weren't asked properly.
what _are_ the rules? how do we know?


.........Our words misunderstand us..............................
.....We are our words, and black and bruised and blue.
Under our skins, we're laughing....................................
.........................Adrienne Rich..................................

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