Re:Individual and Community Analyses

Timothy Koschmann (tdk who-is-at
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 11:36:47 -0700

>We made a presentation on this material, but have not published it yet, we
>will try to get it to you soon.

I would greatly appreciate seeing a copy of this paper, as well. I am in
the process of preparing a syllabus for a seminar that I am organizing next
semester on CSCL. I would like to include some readings on theories and
past research findings WRT collaborative learning. If anybody has other
pieces that they would like to recommend, that would be great.

Timothy Koschmann
Temporary Address (9/1/97-5/31/98)
Dept. of Computer Science
Campus Box 430, ECOT 734
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309 |
+1-303-492-2233 (voice)
+1-303-492-2844 (fax)