Re: politics as usual

Ken Goodman (kgoodman who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU)
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 09:41:25 -0700 (MST)

The issues of Time and Newsweek are dated October 27. The USNews issue is
the following week and Atlantic Monthly is November. Modern Maturity which
interviewed me a month earlier seems to have missed their deadline.

A clause in hr2614 specifies that state literacy partnerships may only
involve research universities "doing reliable, replicable research". As
defined in the bill only research testing published materials in
experimental designs would qualify. So your institution and mine seem to
be on the banned list, Jay.
I am already personally on the banned list in California.
Ken Goodman

*******Now we must learn to live under water*******
Kenneth S Goodman, Professor
Language, Reading & Culture, University of Arizona, Tucson
kgoodman who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU
520 6217868 Fax 520 7455285