most definitely
no faux pas as yet
I did finally formulate a response of sorts to a query by mike
concerning the substantive foundation of my "rant" (my word)
about Giroux and McLaren as "appropriationist". As luck would have it,
the recent issue of Educational Theory (summer 1997/volume 47, 3)
has an excellent article (since it supports my view and provides a scholarly
argument to boot) by C. Alejandra Elenes entitled "Reclaiming the
borderlands: Chicana/o identity, difference, and critical pedagogy
where the author does a close reading of Mclaren and Giroux and
provides a careful and considred critique both of their uses
or "borders" and their lack og explicit self-positioning in relation
to their use of "borders", and also of their reliance on the works of
minority scholars and their concommittant lack of analysis of their
A lovely and erudite article.
Mary Bryson, Associate Professor, Education/UBC
Principal Co-Investigator: GenTech Project
Turing believes machines think
Turing lies with men
Therefore machines do not think
excerpt: Alan Turing letter to Norman Routledge, 1952