Re: Bruner's list

pprior who-is-at
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 18:00:54 -0500

>Paul-- I liked Bruner's list. I have one that is slightly different
>but I would be happy to sign on to his.,.. with maybe a few changes.

I really liked it too. I wonder what changes you might make to the list.
In some of the discussion of the tenets, I had questions or would like to
see more--e.g., in the discussion of externalization. More globally, the
list offers priniciples, but the unit of analysis issue that activity
theory foregrounds seems backgrounded here. I'm also interested in the
question of what gets developed in development (or produced in history),
another issue I don't see foregrounded in his list (though putting together
selves, institutions, and externalizations is a good start, it's harder to
see where practices fit in).

Paul Prior
U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
p-prior who-is-at