Re: English on the internet

Robin Harwood (HARWOOD who-is-at UConnVM.UConn.Edu)
Tue, 16 Apr 96 20:45:46 EDT

Eva wrote:
>is my second skin: I wonder sometimes whether it is the English or me that
>has been most transformed in the entrance process. As if these things could
>be measured...
>But phenomenologically I experience a change in myself -- after all this
>reading, writing, thinking and conversing in the English of Academe. One

Eva, thank you for your thoughts here. I can think of no better
reason for learning a second language than what you describe here.
The possibility of seeing things in genuinely new ways, of experiencing
ourselves and others in ways that we never have before--and of
offering others the opportunity to experience themselves differently
through contact with us. The monolingual blinders of most Americans
(myself included) are truly limiting...
