lholzman who-is-at sescva.esc.edu
Thu, 21 Dec 1995 00:45:01 -0500
Recent postings expressing interest in Wittgenstein inspire me to add a few
recommendations. In addition to John Shotter who has been connecting
Wittgenstein to Vygotsky (and others such as Vico) for quite a few years, and
my own work (Newman and Holzman's Lev Vygotsky:Revolutionary Scientist and our
just completed Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural=Performatory Approach to
Understanding Human Life (Praeger, Summer 1996) there was a recent special
issue of Theory and Psychology on Wittgenstein; there is Bakhurst and
Sypnowich's The Social SElf (at least one chapter on Wittgenstein and
psychology), and parts of Ken Gergen's Reality and RElationships.
Lois Holzman