position announcement

Joan Kelly Hall (JKHALL who-is-at uga.cc.uga.edu)
Wed, 13 Dec 95 08:47:39 EST

To XMCA'ers:
There is a position opening up in the Dept of Language Education at the Univ
of Georgia for which I'm hoping some folks on XMCA (or friends of XMCA folks)
might be interested in applying.

Joan Kelly Hall
University of Georgia
Dept. of Language Education

Position Announcement
Assistant Professor in TESOL/FL Education
Beginning September 1996

Teach undergraduate and graduate courses
Supervise student teachers
Conduct research and publish in field
Assist with advisement and program development

Earned doctorate with specialization in TESOL/FL Education
Knowledge of a second language
Research base in intercultural studies, assessment and/or second language
Three or more years teaching experience at K-12 levels
scholarly potential for advancement.

Send letter of application, Vita, transcripts, three letters of
recommendation; and one or more representative publications to:
Dr. Thomas Cooper
Department of Language Education
125 Aderhold Hall
The University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-7123

Applications received by February 10, 1996 are assured of consideration. The
University of Georgia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.