Re: "Eat, Drink, Man, Woman"

Kristina Westerberg (Kristina.Westerberg who-is-at
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 09:48:10 +0100

Hello, this is about the discussion of eat, drink and culture.
Some week ago, in Sweden, the organization "Next stop Sarajevo" managed to
collect a large sum of money to support culture arrangements in Sarajevo,
Even if people are suffering from a war situation, manifestations of culture
is essential, I think. This has also been referred to in stories from
concentration camps. An orchestra, a painting, rituals that keeps us
together as humans despite the circumstances.

Speaking of culture, I have a question. In a study I have made which
concerns middle managers in a Swedish municipality, I found (not surprising)
that there were just as many male managers as there were female. But they
didn't work in the same areas. Women were managers in the municipal care
services, restaurants and culture departments. (Care, culture and kitchen)
And men were managers in the rest: power plant, street maintenance,
architecture department etceteras.
My question is: who has written anything about a gender perspective along
with an activity theoretical perspective.

Kristina Westerberg
Umeå university