Re: [xmca] Hirst and Vadeboncoeur article for discussion

From: Andy Blunden (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2007 - 14:51:21 PST

When I got there:
I had to enter a username and password.
Is that right?
At 01:44 PM 5/02/2007 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear All--
>If you follow the yellow brick road from lchc/discussions to xmca and
>click on mca journal
>and look on the lower right hand part of the page at erlbaum, you will
>find vol13(3) of MCA
>which is there for people to download for discussion. You can take the
>old road to
>then go to journals, mca, and end up in the same spot.
>When you arrive at the end of the road you should have before you a PDF
>file of
>Patrolling the Borders of Otherness: Dis/placed Identity
>Positions for Teachers and Students in Schooled Spaces
>Elizabeth Hirst
>Griffith University
>Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur
>The University of British Columbia
>We have taken the route of allowing the editors of a large, special issue
>on "Semiotic, Dialogic, and Material Spaces,"
>to select the article for discussion because they went to all the work of
>putting the issue together AND, they
>are the ones who will lead this discussion.
>A note from Jennifer indicates that we can expect some sort of orienting
>intro coming up soon.
>If anyone has difficulty with the site, please write to peggy at pbengel at
>ucsd dot edu and we will see that you get a copy,
>but please, first try the yellow brick or some other cynber road to the
>article first.
>See you for the discussion.
>xmca mailing list

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