video and wells

Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 03:43:48 PST

I really enjoyed the clip and would suggest in the future all papers
include a video clip.

These two / three girls were really focused and directed toward the
object so to speak. I will admit I have not read the paper, but do
recall some discussion with object. My view from the video is their
actions are directed to the particular object of activity. I do think
these two girls were an ideal so to speak, and found myself wondering
about the others - boys goofing off in the back or maybe they weren't.

OK. Here is a question. Was the video an after effect or was it an
essential element in the coding or anaysis? If one was just focusing on
the typical audio transcription, certain actions, gestures, movements
etc would be missed.

Another would be how others - less ideal - did in the activity? In the
beginning, the group in front while maybe not goofing off, interacted
differently with the object. The seemed less focused, more action in the
now, and less interested in dialougue.

In general, I found the the video very interesting - more interesting
than the typical "transcription dialougue" one would see in that 81/2 by
11, 19th century, black on white technology. I just wanted more - more
dialougue from those differently positioned in the classroom. Did the
boys interact similarily to the girls? Did they use dialougue as
extensively? Were the students differently positioned along class,
cultural, and racial lines? How did that play out in the dialougue? Even
with younger kids and there self problem solving, ione can see class /
power positioning.


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