[1]RE>that wonderfudium

Geoffrey Williams (geoffrey.williams who-is-at english.su.edu.au)
29 Jul 1996 15:46:29 +1000

[1]RE>that wonderfudium 29/7/96

Geoff Williams is on study leave overseas. Your message will be forwarded
automatically to his Compuserve address. However, during September he will
not be able to access email.

Date: 8/6/96 11:12 AM
To: Geoffrey Williams
From: xmca who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu
Francoise wrote:

And as I
>am writing this I am wondering really how much ambiguity there is.
>When you write all the different tones "SAID WONDERINGLY; FLATLy;
>SARDONICALLY" etc, I cannot hear them, but when I'm reading regularly
>I hear such aspects of uttering as pitch, mockery, enthusiasm, gratitude,
>exitement etc...

Yes, I agree that we "hear" utterances over e-mail - the issue is
both how _well_ we can hear without information over other channels,
AND how we might (re)voice our own utterances, were we to stop and
listen to ourselves.
I had my Polyanna hat on.

- Judy

Judy Diamondstone
Graduate School of Education
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
10 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
diamonju who-is-at rci.rutgers.edu

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Subject: Re: that wonderfudium
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